
Well, this isn't my favorite part of owning a blog, but it's something I have to do to be legal! So, here are the disclosures for SimpleJoyfulHomeschool.com.

Privacy Statement
I will not sell or share any information you entrust to me. Period. I would love to have you on my mailing list, so your name and address will be stored securely in the database of my newsletter service provider, MailerLite. I will use it only to stay in touch with you as you've requested! Be aware that I may have advertisements on this site, and I am not responsible for the privacy practices of those advertisers, or other people who comment on the blog, for that matter.

Terms of Use
It's my hope that you get useful, fun, and inspirational information from my blog. However, I'm simply one homeschooling mom, sharing our lives and our homeschool journey. I am not a professional, dispensing any kind of professional advice. You are reading at your own choice and at your own risk.

I love comments. Love, love, love them, and I love making new friends! But this is my personal home on the internet, and in my home we are kind, helpful, and supportive at all times. Offensive comments, negativity/ranting, personal attacks, or anything similar will be deleted without notice and at my discretion.

Copyright Policy
I am the copyright holder  of all content, including writing, photographs, created graphics, and any other creative media here on simplejoyfulhomeschool.com. If you are interested in using any content, you will need written consent from me.  Please contact me through my contact page. There is no free use of any content on my site. Sadly, I have to do regular searches for unethical folks who use my words and pictures as their own. Don't be one of those people, mmmkay?

Advertisements, Affiliates, and Sponsors
One of the reasons I started my blog was to help provide an income for my sweet family. So, you may see advertising in the form of graphics or banners, affiliate links, or sponsored posts here. If you choose to purchase something through a link or an ad, I receive a small "thank you" from the advertiser for referring you -- it does not change what you pay in any way. But it makes a difference for me and my family, so thanks! Also, if you have issues with a purchase made through advertising on my site, please resolve issues through the site you purchased from -- I have no way to assist you.

I can, however, help you with purchases you make with Usborne, because I am a rep!

Amazon Associates
SimpleJoyfulHomeschool.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Hold Harmless
I'm not a professional, nor am I giving any legal, medical, or any kind of professional advice whatsoever. Any DIY you do from any information on my site is your choice and at your own risk.

Reserve Rights
One day, I might wake up and decide that this blogging thing is no longer for me, or that I have some spiffy new idea. I hope not, but it could happen! If it does, I reserve the right to change the blog in any way, sell it, shutter it completely, or modify my Terms of Use.

I just love hearing from readers new friends! Feel free to contact me through my website, through Facebook, Google+, or Twitter! If you say something super awesome about my website, I may ask to use it as a testimonial or in an ad! Because, you know, you're awesome.